Radovan Karadžić vs Alija Izetbegović (Skupština SRBiH 14.10.1991)

You want to take Bosnia and Herzegovina down the same highway to hell and suffering that Slovenia and Croatia are travelling. Do not think that you will not lead Bosnia and Herzegovina into hell, and do not think that you will not perhaps lead the Muslim people into annihilation, because the Muslims cannot defend themselves if there is war – How will you prevent everyone from being killed in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Famous speech of Serbian Democratic Party leader Radovan Karadžić in Skupština (Parliament) of Socialistic Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 14-15th of October 1991.

In this speech Karadžić openly threatened with war and even Muslim people annihilation while Alija Izetbegović (President of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Party of Democratic Action leader) responded with abstract rhetoric. 

It would suppose that Izetbegović didn't understand the threat. However, at this time Croatian War of Independence and especially bloody Battle of Vukovar were going on.

Furthermore, in February 1991 Izetbegović declared:
I would sacrifice peace for a sovereign Bosnia-Herzegovina ... but for that peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina I would not sacrifice sovereignty. 
Zbog suverene Bosne ja bih žrtvovao mir. Zbog mira u Bosni, ne bih žrtvovao suverenu Bosnu.

Essential piece with English subtitles:

Almost the same, but with the answer of Alija Izetbegović (unfortunately, without English subtitles):

Longer piece of speech with English subtitles:
